Film Photography

My grandpa gave me a old Yashica FX-2 about 10 years ago before he passed away. It was around then that my interest in photography really took off. I had played with the camera often but never really explored film. I was young and film was just to expensive for me to learn with. Now that I am older and know how to work a camera, I am taking it back out and experimenting with film more.

Late last year I went on a photo walk with other photographers in downtown Indianapolis. It was the first time in a long time I had the camera out and using up a whole roll of film. I wasn't even sure it was good film anymore. The film had been sitting in a box for 10 years but I figured I would just use it and hope for the best.

I learned how to take photos of the negatives with my dslr and using photoshop, developing them. I know have a totally new hobby. Next, I want to try to develop my own film.

The past few days I have been looking into getting am older used medium format camera and experimenting with 120 and 220 film. 

Below are the photos from the photo walk downtown Indianapolis.