
My Film Journey Continues

A little over a week ago, my grandma from California sent me a box of old cameras. I was so excited to play with them and learn more about film. The brownie box cameras (below) were the first I wanted to mess around with. I’ve seen these types of cameras at antique malls but never had one of my own. The outer two are too damaged to take photos with. I may take a look at restoring them when I learn more about them. The one in the middle though seemed to be in great working order. Just the strap on top was torn.

After a little research on how to actually shoot with one of these cameras, I learned I can use my 120 film in it! I threw a roll in and went on a little photo walk in my towns little city center. The only problem I ran into was I wasn’t sure how much to wind the film after each image was taken.

I got my film back to day from Jack’s Camera Shop in Muncie, Indiana and as you can see from the photos below, 90% of the film is double exposed. I now know its probably closer to 6 turns of the knob between frames. I was turning about 4 turns.

I think one more of the cameras she sent me takes 120 film so that is the one I am going to try next.

Thank you again Granny Faye!!! I love you!


Film Photography

My grandpa gave me a old Yashica FX-2 about 10 years ago before he passed away. It was around then that my interest in photography really took off. I had played with the camera often but never really explored film. I was young and film was just to expensive for me to learn with. Now that I am older and know how to work a camera, I am taking it back out and experimenting with film more.

Late last year I went on a photo walk with other photographers in downtown Indianapolis. It was the first time in a long time I had the camera out and using up a whole roll of film. I wasn't even sure it was good film anymore. The film had been sitting in a box for 10 years but I figured I would just use it and hope for the best.

I learned how to take photos of the negatives with my dslr and using photoshop, developing them. I know have a totally new hobby. Next, I want to try to develop my own film.

The past few days I have been looking into getting am older used medium format camera and experimenting with 120 and 220 film. 

Below are the photos from the photo walk downtown Indianapolis.